city of alameda

Business License operating license—just to do business in that state. However, you may still need a business license from your city or county. You , may also need a license from a relevant state or federal regulatory agency to perform certain business activities, like agriculture or medicine. Independent contractor (someone paid on a 1099 basis, not as a W-2 employee) are required to have a business license.

It’s also worth noting that in many cities and states, only a certain number of licenses are available for a particular industry. Depending on your location and the type of license you apply for, you may end up on a waitlist until a license becomes available. Some examples of permits these industries need are reseller’s permits and Alcoholic Beverage Control licenses. If you plan to operate your business from home, a home occupation permit can allow you to do so in some instances. Vending and street sales How to get licenses and approvals to sell goods on the street in Philadelphia. Find out how to get the licenses, permits, and approvals you need to run your business.

File & pay taxes

Check with an attorney to ensure you comply with all necessary business license requirements. If you engage in any business – either permanently or temporarily – within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, you are required to maintain a valid, unexpired business license. Issues licenses and collects appropriate taxes from resources which include distributors, suppliers, importers, and blenders of various fuel and oil products and the Alabama terminal tax.

This is what many people mean when they say “business license.” This is a license that lets you do business in your state or locality. In some states, you must obtain a business license from the state, but in others you’ll need a business license from your city or county. Whether you’re required to get any type of license to run your business depends on where you live and what kind of goods and services you sell. Holistic Health Practitioner Applicant must have 1000+ hours of education.

Business License Application

Suggested gross receipt documentation includes California Sales Tax Returns for the past four quarters, internal accounting reports, such as income statements, working papers and supporting schedules. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents. Requests for Business License Reports is available by completing the Request for Business License Report Form and to be submitted to Customer Service with the appropriate fee.

  • Information provided on Forbes Advisor is for educational purposes only.
  • This bill does not contain the Personal Identification Number or a breakdown of the General Levy, Voted Indebtedness, or Direct Assessments.
  • An essential element of running a business is ensuring you comply with all appropriate tax regulations, which typically includes acquiring multiple licenses for tax purposes.
  • There are actually various forms of business licenses needed for various activities carried out by a business.
  • You will have the option to Apply Now using our secure online system, or expand the By Mail to download and complete all the forms listed.

Contact the relevant agencies in the locations where you plan to operate. It also makes the most sense to get the LLC first because a business license requires your business’s legal name. If you form the LLC after obtaining a business license, you’ll need to request a business name change with the licensing agency, which may incur a fee. According to Harvard Business Services, it’s important to form a limited liability company before getting a business license.